Well, I have learned a very valuable lesson in the last 2 weeks. Let me tell you the story. I have been really wanting to get the E2 so I started looking on ebay for one and low and behold there was plenty of them on there and many of them were selling for right around $200.00. Most of them were being sold by proudparents who I am suspecting to believe is actually provocraft. I have bought from them before and gotten Cartridges at killer deals. So anyway I started bidding on a machine and thought at first I was bidding on one from Proudparents and then quickly realized I was bidding on one from someone else. I got a little nervous and quickly looked up their feedback. Well they had great feedback and even had a very satisfied customer who had just received her E2 and only paid $220.00. So I felt alittle bit better and waited to see if I was going to win. Well guess what I did win!!!!! For right around $200 I was so excited!!!!!!!!! Then last week I get an email from ebay saying that they have removed the listing and that I need to open a case and get the money back!!!
My lesson was to pay better attention and not flip back and forth through so many sellers at a time. I am really bummed and am now looking for an E2 that is priced around that range!! I know that that is a long shot!! But I am hoping that I can find one.
Enough of my venting now onto the sweet stuff that makes me smile!!!
Recently in our town the christian artist Britt Nicole came and did a concert. Well she was great and has such a wonderful spirit about her!! She was very sweet when my daughter met her and she even prayed with Malia before we left. It was awesome!!
he is using her in a powerful way. She is going to go forth and do more for the kingdom than I ever dreamed of doing.
Well thanks for listening. I promise I will be posting another project pretty soon. After I thought I won that machine I sold my old one so no matter what I have to buy a new machine this coming week . Whether it is an expression or an E2 I need a machine. I will have the new Cricut Art Philosophy cart next week!!!!! So I will be posting about it for awhile!!!! Have a blessed day!!!
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